How to Get From Confusion to Clarity About Your Goals

“No, Really…What Is It You Most Desire in Life?”

Louise Schriewer, Ph.D.
Work. You. Love.
Published in
5 min readMar 18, 2020


“Unhappiness is not knowing what we want and killing ourselves to get it.” — Don Herold

Have you ever spend some time thinking about what you really want, only to realize that you have no clue what you truly desire?

I certainly have. There was a time in my life when I thought that was a rather unusual problem to have. After all, doesn’t everyone know what they want?

Over time, and after many conversations with other people, I realized that this is a much more wide-spread issue than it might seem.

I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent helping people getting clear on their desire. People often think that coaching is only about accomplishing goals. In reality, when I coach someone I often spend a lot of time helping them get clear on what they actually want.

A while ago, when I helped a rather confused client decide what she most wanted in life, the following thought raced through my head:

‘Oh, geez, I think I have become my client’s Lucifer. Without the drinking problem.’

Let me backtrack for a moment so I can explain what I mean by that.

What Lucifer has to do with anything

A while ago, I started watching Lucifer which is a fun show starring the actual devil (played by Tom Ellis). In it, Lucifer decides to leave hell and ends up becoming a crime-fighting, civil consultant for the LAPD.

The show’s Lucifer has a superpower (find your own superpower here) that comes in handy when trying to solve crimes: he’s able to extract people’s deepest desires from them, simply by making eye contact.

(He also can — and does — drink super-human amounts of alcohol without getting intoxicated. Hence the drinking problem.)



Louise Schriewer, Ph.D.
Work. You. Love.

I love helping people overcome their struggles and have a joyful life. Professional wizard (I mean, coach…) who used to be a lawyer: