Your Purpose Doesn’t Have to Be Big, It Just Has to Be Genuine

Here’s why size doesn’t matter.

Louise Schriewer, Ph.D.
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readNov 19, 2020


I was about to go on stage before a hundred of my peers, presenting a workshop idea to them. Many people had lined up to present their ideas, and only a few of those ideas would be chosen by popular vote.

As I was listening to the people on stage, I started feeling more and more nervous and regretted my decision to take part in this idea pitch.

I had just recently left a highly paid and prestigious job (and my entire legal career along with it), moved to another continent, and started a business from scratch. Half a year after these drastic changes, I was still finding my sea legs in my new life as a career and life purpose coach and it showed.

One of the presenters before me wanted to build a better medical system in a place that desperately needed it. I don’t recall all the other ideas that were being presented as this was a few years ago. What I vividly recall is the increasing sense of dread I felt about sharing my suggestion with the crowd.

My workshop idea just felt so… small in comparison to some of the world-changing stuff I heard from other people. My suggestion wasn’t trying to end systemic racism. Or improve the health care system. It didn’t even do anything to reduce waste.



Louise Schriewer, Ph.D.
Ascent Publication

I love helping people overcome their struggles and have a joyful life. Professional wizard (I mean, coach…) who used to be a lawyer: